The Menopaus’ull Team are keen to gage interest from any ladies who would like to join us in another one of our social events at the first Rage Room in Hull.
What is a rage room I hear you ask? Well, HullRage Room is a brand new establishment in Hull opened in April giving users free reign to release your stress and anger in a controlled and safe environment.
You will have the opportunity to take a hammer to that annoying printer that always jams, a noisy old piano or even take a swing at some paint tins, its all waiting to be smashed up!
At the minute were just seeking interest and will look at booking a session for an evening in late April/May if enough of you want to come along. The more of us there is, the cheaper it will be!
Please email us at to let us if you want to join us.
For more information click here – RageRoom Hull | Scheduling and Booking Website (