The Menopaus’ull team are really happy to let you know that we now have the new book ‘Menopausing’ written by Davina McCall and Dr Naomi Potter available as part of our free book library.
Through this book Davina hopes to inspire women to take control of their own bodies, arm ourselves with information and stop the stigma around menopause.
Menopausing will explore and explain the science, debunk any damaging outdated myths that may hold some women back and attempt to smash the taboos of perimenopause and menopause. This book also includes personal stories enabling the reader to relate and understand that every womans journey is different yet we are all connected as a community.
This would be a great read to pass around between the Menopaus’ull ladies and we will supply a stamped address envelope, so we can keep on sharing between us!
To grab this book just send an email to or call 01482 826061.