The Menopaus’ull project wants to help breakdown taboos and encourage more women to speak out and seek help. The more we can learn from others and seek support when needed the better.
My5 have created a TV series of informative hour-long programs presented by the fabulous Cherry Healey focusing on women’s health. Episodes cover subjects such as periods, endometriosis, incontinence, menopause symptoms, fibroids, plus lots more. It’s a must for your watch list.
To access the series, we have included the link below.
My5 – Women’s Health: Breaking the Taboos – Season 1 – Episode 1 / Episode 1 (
Along with our Menopaus’ull Support Network Facebook group Menopaus’ull Support Group | Facebook .We also wanted to give a shout out to a fabulous Hull based Endometriosis Support group, check them out here! @Endohull | Linktree