As we all know one of the first symptoms you imagine when you think about menopause is hot sweats, these can be of varying severity and some ladies can find it difficult to perform day to day tasks due to the sudden rush of heat that gives no reprieve day and night.
Hot sweats during menopause are caused by fluctuating or decreasing levels of estrogen. At this time the hypothalamus (the part of your brain that regulates your body’s hormones) becomes ultra sensitive to even the slightest change in body temperature.
Hypnotherapy can work in many ways to help manage symptoms such as hot flushes, insomnia, anxiety and mood swings. It may be that you have noticed you seem to get more hot flushes during periods of stress, in fact, it is proven that women with a history of anxiety or depression have an increased chance of being affected by hot flushes.
Visualisation can be a powerful tool in many ways and help to manage menopausal symptoms by leveraging the mind-body connection. Here’s how the techniques can help:
Cooling imagery – Learning a self hypnosis technique can help in teaching your body to respond to fluctuations in temperature differently by using visualisations and imagery of cool surroundings. If you can quickly change your thought process when you feel a flush starting to arrive and take yourself to a cooler place within your mind this can drastically affect the intensity of the wave of heat. Try imagining yourself taking an ice bath, sipping an ice cool drink or being under a waterfall. Using sounds and smells can help effectiveness too!
Relaxation and response – Visualising calming and relaxing images or scenarios can trigger the body’s relaxation response. This counters the stress response often associated with hot flushes potentially reducing their frequency and severity.
Distraction and Focus – When experiencing a hot flush focussing on a calming visualisation can distract you from any discomfort and redirect your attention to something more soothing. This shift in focus can help you cope with the sensation more effectively.
Mind-Body connection – Visualisation taps into the mind -body connection where the brain can influence physiological processes like body temperature regulation. By visualising a cool environment or sensation it is possible to lower the intensity of a hot flush.
Empowerment and Control – Practising visualisation techniques empowers individuals by giving them a sense of control over their symptoms. It provides a proactive approach to managing hot flushes rather than feeling helpless in the face of hormonal changes.
To effectively use visualisation for some menopausal symptoms it is most helpful to practice regularly in a quiet and comfortable environment. Guided imagery recordings with a trained therapist can also enhance the effectiveness of these techniques.
Take a look at one of the many guided self hypnosis videos available on YouTube here