There are so many symptoms of menopause that it can feel a little overwhelming at times. Menopaus’ull are here to support you through this journey.
Navigating the ups and downs of menopause can be really hard and sometimes you need to take things back to basics. Not sure where to start? Here’s a symptom checker from The Menopause Charity for you take on a GP appointment with you as it can be daunting going into the room with nothing prepared.
If you want to print this sheet off, click here.
We understand that menopause and perimenopause symptoms can have a big impact on your daily life, including relationships, social life, family life and work.
It can feel different for everyone. You may have a number of symptoms or none at all.
Symptoms usually start months or years before your periods stop and quite often we don’t know these are symptoms but we do know that we just don’t feel ourselves. This is called the perimenopause.
Common mental health symptoms of menopause and perimenopause include:
Common physical symptoms of menopause and perimenopause include:
Symptoms can last for months or years, and can change with time.
For example, hot flushes and night sweats may improve, and then you may develop low mood and anxiety.
Some symptoms, such as joint pain and vaginal dryness, can carry on after your periods stop.
If you feel you need support from the Menopaus’ull team please reach out to us and join us one of our regular events. There is also some great information available on our website here