We are pleased to invite you along to our West Hull Menopaus’ull Walk & Talk session which will be taking place on Sunday 19th November at 10.30am.
The meeting point will be at the storage unit on Garrowby Orchard, Coronation Road, Hull HU5 5QX. There is plenty of parking around down Garrowby Walk, off Meltonby Avenue and walk to the field where access can then be made.
Ensure you come prepared by making sure you have some sturdy footwear and waterproofs on but we will be there whatever the weather!!
We would like to invite all ladies who feel they need someone to talk to or to moan to, about how they are feeling and share experiences, meet new friends, and have a giggle along the way.
Please don’t be afraid to come alone, the team will be on hand to welcome you so please join us – we would love to see you!