Thank you to Humber & North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership who have allowed us to invite Menopaus’ull members to join this webinar.
Menopause symptoms can feel more challenging to manage in the workplace. Symptoms may cause embarrassment, affect confidence and can be stressful.
Research has revealed that 900,000 women have left their jobs because of menopausal symptoms, so this is an important topic for everyone in the work environment.
In this workshop we’ll look at how education, support and adjustments in the workplace can help you to remain fully productive and can enable you to rediscover your confidence, self worth, sense of value and belonging.
We will share with you practical solutions and steps for you to take away and implement in your workplace and day to day life.
This session will take place online on Thursday 18th May at 1pm. To register, click on the link below:
Managing your menopause symptoms at work – Booking by Bookwhen